Men, Where Are You?

“Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be a man of courage; be strong. Do everything in

love.” 1 Corinthians 16.13-14

During a recent Saturday morning while praying outside of an abortion facility, I witnessed a

faithful warrior who is the son of the founder of my local pro-life coalition offering help and

support to a couple entering the facility.

“May we help you and your baby, sir?” The faithful advocate pleaded as he watched a young

couple walking into their fateful appointment.

He later remarks how its selfish men that created a time that we are living in. Indeed, weak

men create hard times, and we are seeing it unfold before us.

This is the case every time we stand outside of abortion facilities. What is more upsetting is

how men enter the facility, often time escorted by a male wearing a vest indicating that they

volunteer for an abortion facility. A few minutes later, they walk out and like Pontius Pilate,

washed their hands clean of the responsibility of being a father.

Too often we have heard from women wearing pink cat hats shouting vulgarity at faithful men

holding signs of graphic images while countering feminist marches, opening of abortion

facilities, or peacefully demonstrating outside of abortion facilities. Meanwhile, there are men

wearing the vest being cheered by pro-abortion supporters as they say to men praying and

sidewalk counseling at these facilities, “No uterus, no opinion”. They even want to “Stop the


What the pro-abortion movement has forgotten is how seven men in 1973 blindly allowed

abortion to be law of the land through Roe v Wade abortion case while sitting on the Supreme

Court. It is also hard to believe that many Catholics on the Supreme Court wrote the majority

opinion on the Dobbs decision that later sent Roe into the ash heap of history.

Sadly, many men are timid or lack the compassion to engage in the debate. The need for men is

far greater than anyone can imagine. Men are called to be leaders. They are needed to lead

others into the breach to end abortion.

Sadly, the rise of feminism and toxic masculinity has brought manhood to its knees. In most of

the media that we view today, it has changed from the tough guy images we see from John

Wayne, Gregory Peck, James Stewart, and many other movies that portray strong masculine

characters that our parents and grandparents have come to know. Now, it shows men being

whimps when adversity is in front of them or not present when there is a crisis or responding to

it unnaturally.

To paraphrase the words of Patrick Kelly, the 14 th Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus, A

man is a leader who stands in the breach. A man defends the faith, protects the family, and

when a need arises, a man meets it with charity, unity, and fraternity.

Men are needed to step into the breach with steadfast courage and compassionate conviction

to change the hearts and minds of those who support abortion.

Recently, Jim Harbaugh showed us how a man should respond when one of his players gets his

girlfriend pregnant and are considering abortion. Harbaugh offered to welcome the baby and

help his players choose life. That is the measure of a man. We need more men, whether single,

married, or in religious life, to demonstrate the same boldness a college coach would do.

Do not be afraid to fight. Never back down. Stand up! Man Up!

The pro-life movement needs you to step up and protect life. Stop playing with your

PlayStation, apps, or Xbox and take the first step in helping society create good times.

Guest Writer Bio:

Mickey Kelly is a 32-year-old 4th-degree Knight of Columbus from Philadelphia, PA. He has been involved with pro-life work since his first trip to the March for Life in 2009. When he is not busy building a culture of life, you can find him doing ballroom dancing, traveling, watching sports or historic documentaries, writing a potential best-seller, or spending time with family and friends..


Pro-Life GLOBAL: Working to Create an Abortion Free World


The First Few Weeks of a Post-Roe America