Do We Live in the Most Difficult Age to be Pregnant?

“sTop TraVeLing WhEn you’Re ThiS prEgnAnt”

Every time I mention an upcoming trip, or say that I just got back from one, I hear this. But here’s the thing- I don’t hear it from my friends who are pro-life… I SO often hear it from aquaintences I have who are pro-abortion, or even pro-abortion activists.”

And it’s not just that… they’ll often say things like,

“Isn’t traveling bad for the baby?”

“Don’t you have more important things to focus on during pregnancy? Like getting ready for the baby?”

“Does your husband know where you’re going and what you’re doing? Isn’t that dangerous for the baby?”

Although most of these people have good intentions, at least that’s what I’d like to believe, it amazes me the disconnect: in every single one of these statements they mention the BABY. Their concern for my baby. Their thoughts that what I’m doing might negatively affect my baby… who already exists and has been growing for 9 months inside my womb.

So here’s my response:

“I’ll stop traveling to DC and other places to advocate for life when I’m pregnant once abortion is illegal and unthinkable.”

And not a second before.

The truth is, I think it makes them very uncomfortable that I’m traveling, working, etc. while pregnant because it wildly disrupts their narrative that pregnancy ruins a woman’s life, that it puts a wrench in her plans and leaves her sitting at home, miserable and alone.

Women are so much more capable than the abortion industry gives them credit for, which is ironic because the foundation of the abortion rights movement is supposably womens’ rights.

Newsflash… it’s actually the opposite.

The abortion industry wants women hopped up on birth control, wants their bodies filled with chemicals and hormones that are unnatural and harmful. And, should they get pregnant despite that, the abortion industry wants to profit on womens’ distress- cause them to become terrified of what it would mean to carry out the natural bodily function of pregnancy and instead engage in the horrific procedure of abortion, killing their child and causing them a lifetime of regret. But, should the woman decide to continue her pregnancy? Their malice doesn’t end there… endless genetic testing, in which if there is even a slight sign of a “defect” the doctors will urge abortion, all the way up to labor which is, again, most often not left in the hands of women, but is viewed as something where “doctors’ know best,” and women should leave it up to them- and not educate themselves at all. 

What the abortion movement is really afraid of is women educating themselves. Of them NOT trusting the system, trusting their bodies and the capability of generations beforehand to carry their child, and do so while living the life that we love.

We may possibly live in the most difficult age to be pregnant, which is ironic because we live in the most “advanced” age of medicine.

Women, take control of your womanhood. No one knows your baby or your body better than you. 

This is the the only way we will take back our femininity from the hands of the misogynistic abortion industry.


Why I March for Life


My Baby is 24 Weeks… and I’m Headed to a State Where He Has No Rights